by Donna Gibbs

A few months ago, I received the disappointing email that (for the second year in a row) I had lost the lottery for the Blue Ghost Fireflies Tour in Dupont Forest. I had so looked forward to this outing for my family. You see, for just a few short weeks, the Dupont Forest floor is covered by gorgeous blue candlelight. The blue fireflies have brought such fascination, and so many people, that they had to enforce a lottery in order to limit the number of guests. Why? Because the females can’t fly, and many of them were being squashed on the forest floor as guests trampled off the trails to get a closer look. There is something about a light in the darkness that draws us. We just can’t get enough. And these blue fireflies are a beautiful example of that truth.
Now to introduce the word, bioluminescence. What in the world does that mean? It is simply the emission of light by an organism. Blue fireflies are living light!
That word strikes me. I too want to be a living light. You probably do as well. But we can’t be a living light unless we experience darkness. Struggle. Pain. Suffering. All of the challenges that are promised as being normal this side of eternity. We all wish for an easy road. A road that is full of light and laughter. But how would you ever see a beautiful blue firefly on a light-filled path?
So let’s accept that pain will be an inevitable part of life. Butlet’s also accept that God has created us to be a living light. Shine brightly my friend. Your light will be a fascinating and encouraging sight to behold to others in a forest of darkness!