By Donna Gibbs

I love Christmas. Of course, I love the activity of Christmas, shopping for loved ones, and decorating my home. But I also love the rich and genuine meaningfulness of Christmas. Every December, I am irresistibly drawn to revisit the details of the most miraculous birth in history. I am comforted in those scriptures. And I am challenged by the roles of simple, common people just like me who were called to extraordinary roles.
I imagine Mary, a young girl probably around the age of 14, who had an amazing encounter with an angel who revealed upcoming circumstances that would change every ounce of her current reality and her future. She was so young, but so wise, with faith so deep and genuine that she embraced the announcement with joy and celebration.
Who does that?
Perhaps that was why she was “highly favored” and hand-picked to be the mother of our Lord.
But Joseph too was chosen. Why? He was “righteous” – right with God, and right with man. He too handled life-altering (perhaps even life-shattering) news with grace and humility.
No drama. No complaining. No whining. Just obedience.
Who does that? Seriously! I guess Mary and Joseph were a match made in heaven (literally!).
I find comfort in the fact that God came to earth and designed the lowliest of circumstances in which to be born. A stinky stable. A dark cave. Two young teens, with no birthing experience, far away from home and parents. Alone. No resources. No crib, just a manger of cow’s hay. No blanket. Just strips of cloth. Nothing but faith holding them together, and a donkey to transport them.
There was an army of angels rejoicing, but Mary and Joseph didn’t see them. Those sights were reserved only for the shepherds.
That guiding star? That was reserved for the wise men from the east.
Mary and Joseph had faith in desperate circumstances. And faith was all they had.
Yes, God chose desperate circumstances for the most miraculous birth of history. I find such great comfort there, because I too sometimes face what I feel to be desperate circumstances. Times in which I am thoroughly intimidated by what I face. Times in which I feel all alone, and just want someone that also has flesh to guide me.
But sometimes there is no one there. And though I hold on to faith that God’s army surrounds me… I can’t see any of them. There won’t ever be another young girl called to faithfully birth the Son of God, but we do face some desperate situations of our own in this life.
Perhaps you are in one right now.
My friend, I want to encourage you this Christmas to reflect on the power of God in the face of your desperate circumstance. He can relate. He wasn’t born in a palace. He wasn’t born into wealth. He was born into challenges. Scary situations. Hard work. Rejection. Betrayal. Loneliness. The promise of future pain. The promise of an agonizing death. God intentionally orchestrated those circumstances so that you and I would be comforted by His genuine empathy when we face desperate times.
So rest, my friend. Seek Him. Call out to Him. Thank Him for understanding. Thank Him for the supernatural help that surrounds you. Thank Him for His promise that this desperate situation ends in Hope!
And then wish Him a Happy Birthday, and Thank Him for coming to this desperate place because of His radical love for you! Yes, Hope was born! Rest in His Hope today.
Merry Christmas! Aren’t you glad Hope came?
Donna Gibbs, co-owner of Summit Wellness Centers, PLLC, is author of the recent releases, Silencing Insecurity and Becoming Resilient. Donna has authored numerous other books, and is commonly featured on radio broadcasts across America, and occasionally internationally as well. Donna has been providing individuals and families the hope and help they need for twenty years as a national certified counselor, board-certified professional Christian counselor, and licensed professional counselor supervisor. A member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), she is a leading professional provider for Focus on the Family, Christian Care Network, r3Continuum, FINDINGbalance, and Samaritan’s Purse.
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