by Donna Gibbs
It’s Easter weekend. A time in which we often gaze back to the crucifixion of Christ, and the significance of His resurrection. If you are like me, you have read these accounts in the New Testament many times. Frankly, I don’t like to read this portion of scripture. In fact, I can hardly stand thinking about the death of Christ. It makes me physically sick, and emotionally disturbed. I try to read quickly through the crucifixion so that I can get to the resurrection. But this week, I took the time to contemplate something in the burial of Jesus that I have previously missed, because I was in too much of a hurry to get to the resurrection.
Following the crucifixion of Christ, Joseph of Arimathea received permission from Pilate to take down Jesus’ body. Nicodemus joined him, bringing perfumed ointment and spice. We often point to the fact that Joseph prepared his own tomb for Jesus, or the fact that these men boldly exposed their love for Christ by coming for his body in the middle of the day. But what I noticed, for the first time in this account that I have read so many times, is what the scriptures say regarding the actual burial spices. Of course, we know that Nicodemus brought Myrrh and aloes. These would have been commonly used in a burial in Jewish custom.
But it was not the presence of the myrrh or the aloe that struck me. It was the fact that together they weighed 100 pounds. That means that following death, Christ’s body was not just washed, but it was covered
in 100 pounds of a myrrh and aloe mixture, and was then wrapped in linen cloth. This makes His resurrection even more powerful to me. Following the journey of the crucifixion and the condition of his body unto death, he was weighed down with what would have become a heavy layer of a slimy, glue-like substance, and then he was wrapped tightly in linen. Consider the gravity of that condition three days later. Death, followed by the equivalent of a full-body cast, or a 100 pound straight-jacket.
But He rose! Death couldn’t hold Him down. And neither could 100 pounds of burial preparations. The day of His death may have been dark. It may have seemed that hope died. But Hope Rose! Indeed, Sunday is coming!
Today, you may be facing an uncertain future, or a dark and tragic circumstance. You may feel that hope is lost. Your life may resemble the darkness of the day of crucifixion. But keep your head held high, my friend. Because, Hope Rose! Christ was resurrected from death (and from a full-body cast of burial preparations!) That same power that raised Him from the dead is accessible to you as a child of God. Call out to Him – and trust in His power and care to meet you at your point of need. Resilience can be yours, because God has already demonstrated His power for ultimate resilience, the resurrection!
“I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 1:19-20).

Donna Gibbs, co-owner of Summit Wellness Centers, PLLC, is author of the recent releases, Silencing Insecurity and Becoming Resilient. Donna has authored numerous other books, her blogs are frequently shared in various media outlets, and she is commonly featured on radio broadcasts across America, and occasionally internationally as well. Donna has been providing individuals and families the hope and help they need for more than twenty years as a national certified counselor, board-certified professional Christian counselor, and licensed professional counselor supervisor. A member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), she is a leading professional provider for Focus on the Family, Christian Care Network, r3Continuum, FINDINGbalance, and Samaritan’s Purse.
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