By Kevin Wimbish, LMFT
Julie and I were walking outside recently. A lady walked towards us on the other side of the road. She stuck out both of her hands and said “six feet, six feet!” I was struck by how abrupt and fearful was the response.
I understand safety. I understand being healthy. I try to eat healthfully. I exercise. I believe these things are important.
We’ve all experienced a lot of changes, quickly.
Floods of information.
Different perspectives. Different narratives.
Job changes. Job loses.
Telehealth. Remote working. Remote teaching. Remote learning.
Financial changes.
Take out.
National Guidance. State Guidance. County Guidance. Lack of Guidance.
Six feet. Store aisle arrows. Masks. Toilet Paper.
It has, and will, infiltrate our psyches.
With all of this, so much, so quickly, I hope we can see One Another again. I hope we can see one another not only as potential carriers, but as Humans. Not only as potential infections, but as Image-Bearers of God.
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1: 27, English Standard Version)
“Just as we borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.” (I Corinthians 15: 49)