by Donna Gibbs
“So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clear-headed”. (1 Thessalonians 5/6, NLT)
What a fascinating scripture. We’re challenged to be prepared for the day of the Lord’s return. To be alert and sober. But after an in-service earlier this week led by my colleague, Kevin Wimbish, I’m reminded that this scripture speaks to an even broader truth. The power of a habit! I’m going to share with you in this blog one of many truths that Kevin shared with our staff, with hopes that you too can benefit from the challenge to be “alert”.
Did you know that 40% of what we do each day is habit? That’s a disturbingly large portion of our life that is ruled by auto-pilot! Habits, both good and bad, can become entrenched. They develop into powerful pathways in the brain, marrying us to our habitual thoughts and actions, whether we intend it or not.
If my daily habit is to think on God’s truths, to consistently encourage my husband and children, and to make good choices in nutrition and exercise, then habits work in my favor. Unfortunately, many of our habits are better described as destructive. We habitually think critical thoughts regarding our situations, and habitually choose behaviors that sabotage our genuine goals. Why? Because we’re checked out. Asleep. We’re not clear-headed. We’re on habitual autopilot when intentional mindfulness is what is most needed.
“Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction”. (Proverbs 29/18, NIV). Without vision and specific direction, we are vulnerable to destruction. Without intentional thought, we are vulnerable to destructive thought. Without intentional action, we are vulnerable to destructive action. “But blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction”. Heed is a verb. It is action based on intentional decision; the opposite of being “asleep”.
Today, let’s examine our habits. Let’s consider if our auto-pilot is leading us toward the destination we desire. Let’s guard against complacent carelessness. How do we reverse a destructive habit? Through “repetitive thought and repetitive action”. This repetition develops new pathways in the brain, and creates the potential for new, healthy and purpose-driven habits. Practice this mindful examination every day, even if just a few minutes each day. Before you know it, you’ll have a new auto-pilot. One you’re more confident in having lead your life!

Donna Gibbs, co-owner of Summit Wellness Centers, PLLC, is author of the recent releases, Silencing Insecurity and Becoming Resilient. Donna has authored numerous other books, her blogs are frequently shared in various media outlets, and she is commonly featured on radio broadcasts across America, and occasionally internationally as well. Donna has been providing individuals and families the hope and help they need for more than twenty years as a national certified counselor, board-certified professional Christian counselor, and licensed professional counselor supervisor. A member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), she is a leading professional provider for Focus on the Family, Christian Care Network, r3Continuum, FINDINGbalance, and Samaritan’s Purse.
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